Join us at Sport Fuels Life as we talk with Tyree Washington about his amazing life thus far… as an asthmatic child to a 400-metre World Champion in Track and Field to Motivational Speaker and Trainer.
Tyree is no stranger to adversity; fortunately, his spirit and skills helped him overcome obstacles. He was born and raised by his mother and grandmother in Riverside, California. As a child he was diagnosed with severe asthma that almost took his life; he was told he would never be able to play sports. Through his determination, he overcame this condition and went on to become a world class athlete.
Washington joined the track and field team in high school to get in shape for football. He discovered he had real talent in this arena and became the 1994 California State Long Jump Champion. He signed with the San Diego Chargers in 1999 but was released after becoming injured at the end of camp. The Oakland Raiders picked him up, but Tyree decided to return to track and became the fastest runner in the country. Along the way, he suffered some health and personal setbacks and worked as a Riverside County probation officer in 2002.
At the 2003 World Championships, his relay team was stripped of their gold medal due to a teammate’s doping violation. He was awarded the gold medal in the 400-meter rate and won many other championships in his career.
What makes Tyree’s message so special is his ability to constantly keep pushing forward and overcome any obstacles placed in his way. Don’t miss out on this powerful journey and message of positivity and proper success principles.
Tyree Washington quote: “Destiny can be delayed but not denied”.
You can book Tyree to speak for your program by going to; his book, Against All Odds, is available on Amazon.